01 May 2024

Apr 2024 - a month of adjustment

As I complete four months of my break from work life, I reflect on how the month of Apr 2024 has been for me. 

Globally, there were quite a few natural disasters viz. earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc. There was unrest in political situation across the world (Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Iran), leading to financial volatility and many parts of India experienced severe heatwave conditions for most part of April. Social media has been full of the rising trend of job losses, especially in the IT field, and conspiracy theories regarding the same. The threat of continued, if not increasing, unemployment is something that cannot be ignored anymore else it will soon hit our youth across other industries too.

On the personal front, kiddo commenced her grade 9 from Apr 1st. Right off the at, the heat in the classrooms as well as the school bus has affected the kids. Some even suffered from heat stroke symptoms. She also started her external classes this month, four times a week, and that took some adjustment too. All in all, the increased syllabus of secondary school, the looming threat of more changes in CBSE norms (until June) and additional subjects viz. Sewa (social work) are something that have been on my mind this last month. In the backdrop, all the political parties have been campaigning heavily for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections; the news and social media have been full of reactions to the same. Sometimes I wonder if this will be the last election of the world's largest democracy (requires a separate post). 

All in all, it seems to be a very depressing scenario. Yet, there were many highlights for me personally, during this month. The paperback version of my book sold quite a few copies and I started to receive reviews from some folks. I even received the first payment for my book! I got an opportunity to connect with many different parties when I was exploring the option of doing a book launch party - right from publishers, media to other authors. Feedback about my book coming from my mom and her pride in my achievement (with her extended family, neighbours and friends) filled me with joy! I started promoting my book actively on all social media platforms and the response there has been heart warming. So many have shared that they are proud of my achievement or were touched by my bold decision and journey. Thank God for social media - it keeps one's network always updated about our achievements and its great to hear from distant school, college friends or ex-colleagues from decades ago!

There have been comments like "Do not stop writing, its a God-given gift to you!" And another, where a neighbour wants me to address our society about my author journey and importance of writing. Or another neighbour who exclaimed that "You have always been a determined and sincere one and you finally achieved your dream! You must now mentor me to publish my book!" A male school friend, with whom I have not been in touch with that much. even went so far as to say - "You have a lovely soul hidden underneath that exterior, you’re a lovely wife and the best mother. The qualities a woman should possess, you have that. You are a fighter. Despite being a strict woman, you have at least 50 soft corners." I am blown away by how much people notice about you just from the fleeting interactions they have had with you over the decades! Feedback has not always been positive. Have received brickbats on the front cover of my book, or the audio quality of my reels on social media, or even that I am turning into an activist as an author.

Amidst all this busyness I managed to read some good books and watch a few good movies too. My reviews of movies, documentaries and other books are been taken seriously. I am also attending a 15-day class called 'Learning Ninja techniques', wherein we are being trained to read and comprehend at speed. This will not only help to absorb new things faster, research quickly but also motivate to read and learn more. I have learned some really great techniques so far, which I had not been aware despite being an avid reader all my life! All in all, I feel that my extensive management skills were put to good use on the home front in the month of Apr. It was heartening to see both my other half as well as kiddo organize their closets after seeing me do the same back in Mar 2024!

As May advances, looking forward to kiddo's summer break and our annual out-station holiday. Of course, there is some project work to be completed by kiddo, and her classes continue until mid-May. Still its a break from the hectic routine in the intense heat. So many things to look forward to in the new month!

12 April 2024

'Rocket Singh : Salesman of the Year' - a movie review

Rocket Singh : Salesman of the Year

In 2009, Ranbir Kapoor became a star in the true sense. His "Wake Up Sid", "Ajab Prem ki Ghazab Kahani" and "Rocket Singh", all released in that same year and he became a household name at least due to the first two. The last one, which released toward the end of the year, somehow slipped under the radar for a majority, including myself. But it was the best of the lot in my opinion, and that's saying something since the first two were in a league of their own too. In hindsight, RK has picked up projects that many would not have at his age, and has a very impressive portfolio today. His "Rockstar", "Barfi" and "Jagga Jasoos", "Rajneeti" and "Tamasha" are also very different kind of films. He shines in each of them, he gave his 100% to them all. He is truly one of the best actors we have in Bollywood today, with or without "Animal" (which I have not watched and don't intend to). 

But this post is not about RK. It is about his film "Rocket Singh" that was well before its time but so relevant today! The protagonist is a below-average student but his passion in life is to be the best salesman ever. His feels that persuasion is the best skill for this profession. He even lands a job in a reputed Sales organization to fulfil his dream, despite his low marks. His lawyer friend tries to dissuade him from this profession with the argument that only those who failed to make the cut in the more elite professions, became salesmen as a last resort. But Harpreet Singh Bedi(HSB) is focused on his dream. His grandfather, played by Prem Chopra, supports him in his own way. But HSB's illusion about the Sales business is soon shattered when he witnesses the reality. Its a cut-throat world with unrealistic targets, questionable ethics and selling products with high mark-ups go hand in hand with profits. His grandfather's tenets of honesty and ethics become a barrier for him to get a foothold in the corporate jungle. 

As I started watching the movie, the initial scenes disillusioned me. I felt it was about how to adapt your value system with the corporate you are working for. The movie slowly pivoted and it felt exhilarating that even in a function like Sales its possible to retain your values and still do business. Passion, hard work, sincerity and goodwill truly do pay off. My faith in humankind was restored. There are a few cliches about the "sardar" community too that felt as if the director was skating on thin ice. But somehow the director was able to keep the train on the right track till the very end.

The characters of his various colleagues and bosses are extremely well-etched and also performed remarkably well by the supporting cast. Both RK as well as Manish Choudhary (playing his big boss) deserved awards for their roles but neither received any. How Harpreet Singh Bedi becomes Rocket Singh, how he manages to not only survive in the toxic work culture but also manages to marry his dream of being the best salesman with that of running is own Sales startup without compromising his ethics, forms the gist of the plot. 

All in all, a must-watch film especially for those looking to follow their passion while lost in their corporate jobs.

10 April 2024

Sabbatical - rest, rejuvenation and recalibration

Since Jan 2024, I am on a break from full-time corporate work. After working non-stop for more than a quarter-century, I figured that things were just too much out of whack, and needed to be brought back on track. Even so, relaxing fully was never on the cards. During this hiatus, I turned to my first love - writing. I enrolled into a 90-day publishing masterclass and published my first book (eBook as well as paperback versions)! For this, I consciously cultivated the company of aspiring and existing authors to learn the ropes. I spent time with a few of them on a retreat (my first solo journey), and even attended a book launch event for one of their books (another first) - all enriching experiences!

The dream of publishing my first book kept me occupied through this time. While writing has come to me naturally for many years now, I discovered that publishing a book requires a different level of rigor and commitment. There were bi-weekly online classes, and as I adhered to the mission milestones set by my coach, I found that it was possible to maintain this rigor (in the absence of full-time career, of course). I am severely doubtful that this can be achieved, with as much passion, while pursuing a full-fledged, busy career.

I had had a VERY busy schedule until last year, in my corporate job - so much so that I was on the very brink of total (physical, mental and emotional) burnout. A time out was the need of the hour. But, switching gears into a less stressful and more fruitful area by embracing a new mindset, required additional effort. Getting the hang of new processes, tools, and unlearning of old habits so I could replace them with new ones, sapped my energy further. For a few weeks, I did not know whether I was coming or going, and was accused by my family that I am busier than before! Uh-oh, it was time to make more time for the Family (biting my nails). After my initial frenzied writing phase was over 
(the creative urge, and purge, is pretty potent), I proceeded with the subsequent editing, formatting and proof-reading phases at a slower pace. Each of the online, as well as print, versions required a different level of cover design, formatting and proof-reading. I published them separately at different times. 

Whilst all of this was enfolding, I also began to focus on myself, my home, my daughter, extended family, neighbours - strictly in that order. Loving myself comprised a daily regime of movement, deep breathing, intake of sunlight, healthy diet, lots of water, nutritious home-made food, and adequate sleep. The moment the body got an opportunity, out came all the complaints, allergies and aches, that had to be dealt with one at a time. This change of scenario also required finding a brand new like-minded community; authentic & passionate writers, family members I had not had time to connect with in the past, domestic help, and neighbours in my society. I had no bandwidth to keep in touch with my ex-colleagues. They were left scratching their heads at how easily I could forget them as well as the drudgery of corporate life (the latter was a piece of cake) and took to this life like a duck to water. 

Looking after home meant introducing new processes and modifying existing ones, to ensure smoother functioning all around. De-cluttering, cleansing, organizing and re-decorating, felt therapeutic as well as satisfying. It also ensured involvement of kiddo in household maintenance chores, thus taking care of the mini-summer break. Spending more time with my teenager is to be a captive audience to her daily rant about teachers, school, classmates, specific subjects, and life in general. I also got full exposure to her study, social as well as bus schedules, as also the looming threat of change in CBSE board syllabus during the crucial 9th and 10th grades. Following up with school teachers and fellow suffering parents became the norm. Also, there are multiple process changes underway regarding HER routine in the new academic year too.

Engaging with neighbours had me participating in more events, being the unofficial photographer (something I love), and also getting to know some of them much better (and vice versa). And yes, I got to bask in their fulsome praise on having an author amidst them and what a great achievement it was! It felt good to be regarded so highly and warmly :) As I turned agony-aunt as well as mentor of my domestic help, I found that this is one area that had certainly suffered due to my razor-sharp focus on work in the past. "Giving attention to employees gets better results" is true at home too, not just in corporates! They in turn had a newfound respect for my dexterity and attention-to-detail, in housework. They too held me in awe due to my book writing skill; suddenly, I was bathed in the halo of a wiser being.

Because of the author masterclass, the writer's retreat, and the subject of my book, I now perceive everything - viz. books, movies, series or someone's life, as a narrative. I try to evaluate if its presentation was impactful or if it could have been better. It changed my vantage point from that of a compulsive action-taker to an observer. Not that an action-taker is bad, but sometimes you have to coast in order to grasp the minutiae. Life had gone from fifth gear to second, and I finally had time to catch my breath, rest and simply BE. My health, personality, relationships (social media connections included) - all have transformed for the better. Those who doubted me initially are now admiring, envying or being inspired, by me, even citing my example to others.

Patience and mindfulness are the two superpowers I have earned in this sabbatical so far. And they have made a world of difference to my confidence and self-worth! Nothing seems impossible, delayed or unjust anymore. The universe has its own pace that cannot be hurried no matter how much you want to. One must accept Divine timing and enjoy the ride as well as the anticipation of a mysterious destination. I am now deeply immersed in the practicalities of life viz. better financial scrutiny and budgeting. Life is steadily getting back on track and it feels great to have a semblance of control and direction again!

So, was the journey easy? Well, change of any kind is always intimidating. Many did not applaud the decision, some actually congratulated me for being bold enough to take it, and a handful were blessedly non-judgemental about it. Not only did I have to set and monitor my own goals, but I was the evaluator too. It also meant that I did not crave external validation anymore. However, until I adjusted to this new normal AND found my groove, everyone was treading on eggshells. It was super-tough to have all around me racing at break-neck speed (so hectic, got busy, customer/release/family emergency etc.), while I was at relative leisure. But it wasn't that hard to accept - after all, I had been on the other side not too long ago! They kept inquiring regarding milestones of my book (life is only meaningful when you are chasing specific goals), not truly having the bandwidth to understand the nitty-gritty of self-publishing, nor the back-breaking toil it entails. And despite it getting published finally, no one really had the time to read it - or wanted to wait for the paperback. Well, they will get to it one day, am sure. Some did, and the reviews are so, SO worth it :) And yes, the toughest part is to refrain from preaching this hard-earned gyaan; best to let the consequences speak for themselves.

Getting off the hamster wheel feels heaven-sent. Will I ever want to get back in the saddle?  Sure, this is not a retirement. A pivot in the career? Most probably. Time and energy are finite - one has to prioritize some things over others; no one can juggle all the balls in the air indefinitely. As things start balancing in one sphere, there will be time and vitality, to zero in on the career front again. Till then, I am thoroughly relishing the unexpected luxury afforded by this pause. I am super grateful for my other half on his unstinting support, as always !! 

The great philosopher Socrates had said " An unexamined life is not worth living." Well, this period is certainly ensuring a re-examination, and even a re-haul in some cases, of my life at all levels.

05 April 2024

Relationships - Reel vs Real

CAUTION - Spoilers ahead

The other day, I was watching a Hindi movie with mom. The friend of the male protagonist really helps a lot in the complicated romance between the male and female protagonists. I mentioned that his friend is such a gem, he is really extending himself. And mom commented - "We only find such friends in films." The movie is Atrangi re, and the friend is Vishu's medical college buddy - Dr. Madhusudhan, who uses his knowledge of psychology to help along the hapless romance of his friend.

So true! Seldom have I seen such loyalty in real life. It got me thinking about the genesis of such characters in reel. Could it be wishful thinking on the part of the writer? Or did the director intend to inspire such relationships in real life?

The character "Circuit", man Friday of the don Munna in Munnabhai MBBS, is another such example. He is the loyal second-hand to his master. He carries out each order sincerely yet there is a friend-like bond between them. He is never judgemental, always cheerful and provides much needed comic relief. His "Bhai, tum nahi chaloge kya?" when Munna asks him why he bought two train tickets for his village after he loses his reputation, is classic.

Speaking of boss-employee relationships, how can we forget the quintessential "Ramu kaka" of Sholay? This loyal servant of the Thakur parivaar has seen all the highs and lows of the family. He keeps all their secrets and even has access to the safe in the house. He is literally the right and left hand of his armless employer. Where can we find such domestic help these days?

Some "mothers" and "fathers" in reel viz. Kajol's mother and SRK's father in DDLJ, are parents we rarely find in real life. The steadfast understanding demonstrated by Farida Jalal toward her on-screen daughter despite being a traditional and timid mom, and the bombastic, carefree single dad portrayed by Anupam Kher, are simply adorable and unforgettable!


Then comes my favorite Harry Potter character, Ronald Weasley (Ron). He is Harry's best friend. Not blessed with any super powers (unless you count his prowess at chess), nor with any exceptional good looks, he is always in Harry's shadow yet is supremely loyal and loving toward him. He is the first person ever to show unconditional love and acceptance toward Harry since his difficult and lonely childhood. Not only him, but his entire family accepts Harry as their own and never let him feel that he is alone. Quite unlike his biological aunt and legal guardian.


What do I say about Jai in Sholay, as the friend who dies for his best buddy - Veeru? Amitabh Bachchan as the mature and decisive one, is always seen to be ridiculing his friend, Dharmendra. Even when he takes his friend's marriage proposal to Hema Malini's aunt, he is busy highlighting all the vices of his friend and trying to put them in a positive light. So much so, that even the formidable "mausiji" comments - "Beta, dost ho to tumhare jaisa. Sharaabi wo, juwaari wo, magar isme uska koi dosh nahi!

He falls head over heels in love with, and agrees to marry, a young widow - an unheard of scenario in those times. He makes fun of the talkative Basanti (his friend's girl), yet for her sake, he gives up his own life so that his friend is saved. By tossing his usual two-headed coin, unbeknownst to his friend who always thinks that the decisions made by the toss of the coin between them are always fair, he sacrifices his own romance for that of his friend's. 

Sisterhood - well, who can forget the Frozen sisters, Anna and Elsa? Anna's hunt for her missing sister, her adventures along the way (almost losing her own life in the process), are strong sibling goals for today's young generation. Her determination to restore her elder sister as the rightful queen of their kingdom, despite being the next contender herself, is truly commendable. There is so much acceptance in her about her sister's quirk!

Last but not the least, the evergreen bond between Krishnan Iyer M.A. and Vijay Dinanath Chauhan, of Agneepath

A stranger turned savior turned brother-in-law, Mithun is always there to support the ever-suffering protagonist, Amitabh Bachchan. He becomes the glue between him and his estranged, strong-minded mother - Rohini Hattangaddi, and eventually, her second son.

I am sure there are examples galore about the inspirational employer, in-laws, teachers etc. that I have missed to capture. Reel relationships do have the power to inspire relationship goals in real life!

11 March 2024

The Great Indian Kitchen - a movie review

OTT             : Prime Video
Language    : Malayalam
Director        : Jeo Baby
Cast             : Nimisha Sajayan, Suraj Venjaramoodu

The movie was highly recommended by some friends recently. Watched it with subtitles since I do not follow Malayalam. True to most Malayalam movies, I was expecting a thriller, despite the title. But the movie turned out to be so much more. 

The viewers' attention is riveted right from the first frame, as the visuals from a typical Indian kitchen blast their senses. Intricate scenes of vegetables being chopped, dough being kneaded, meat being washed at the sink, delicacies being fried, dosa and sambar being cooked diligently, making of tea, filter coffee etc. get your gastric juices flowing and you can even smell their aroma! 
Surely, such mouth-watering fare can only foretell blissful times ahead, right? Wrong.

The story begins with a typical arranged marriage, where a girl from an urban family ends up marrying into a prestigious yet rural family. The traditions of her new home require her to give up her aspirations for a career, and she becomes a full-time unpaid maid. She assists her hard-working mother-in-law (MIL), helping her day in and day out, in all the household chores uncomplainingly. The the two men just relax and do nothing to help.

The chutney has to be ground only on the stone slab and rice has to be cooked on the choolha - as the head of the house likes it that way. The use of pressure cooker, mixer etc. are frowned upon. This is in stark contrast to the girl's urban home that had had all the modern amenities. There is no relief in the regime to partake previous evening's refrigerated left-overs, or have rice instead of chappatis, if the lady is indisposed.

The father-in-law expects to be waited upon hand and foot. His wife brings him his toothbrush every morning and his chappals when he steps out of home. Though he is soft-spoken and polite, the steel in his voice as the head of the house, is palpable. The husband, a professor who lectures his female students about the importance of a formal family structure, cannot even be bothered to call in a plumber to fix a leaking pipe in the kitchen sink. 

The men have abominable table manners. The ladies can eat only after they have eaten, that too on a messy table. The stench from the drain water accumulating from the pipe leakage, slowly permeates the bride's life. There are not many characters or dialogues or even names spoken. The expressions on the characters' faces do the talking. The MIL soon exits for her daughter's delivery, leaving the bride to deal with the rigorous monotony on her own. The endless chopping, cooking, washing and cleaning up scenes flow into each other. Surprisingly, no one is ever shown bringing the groceries, veggies or meat to replenish the rapidly consumed ingredients!

The honeymoon period between the newly-married couple, stealing hugs in the kitchen and dining room, soon deteriorates into a stifling prison sentence for the bride. Barbs, verbal abuse and physical dissatisfaction, seep into the stagnating relationship as the husband's colossal ego cannot handle candid observations by his wife. 

The introduction of two new characters do nothing to improve the plight of our female protagonist. The paid substitute maid does chores in others' homes whenever the lady of the house is suffering from that time of the month. The elderly widowed aunt appears at the behest of the FIL, who prefers not to wield the reigns. Both these ladies end up mimicking the pre-ordained drudgery. The maid, Usha, hides her own menstrual dates and sings while working. She seems happiest of the lot, possibly because she gets compensated for her toil. The aunt represents females who espouse patriarchal values to other women, on behalf of the men.

The enforced isolation, discomfort and judgment during her menstrual cycle, soon takes its toll. As the men treat her like an untouchable at such times, especially during a festival, there is backlash from other men for a Facebook post made by her. The girl finally rebels when she is ordered by her husband to delete the post or leave. While her MIL is still slaving away at her daughter's lavish bungalow as a salwar-kurta clad maid this time, our heroine finally walks away into sublime freedom. 

What I liked is that there is no attempt made by the director to show a happy ending in terms of the husband apologising to her, or her finding a more understanding and broad-minded partner. There are no children to complicate the divorce either. Instead, she is shown to be an independent career woman, teaching dance, thus returning to her first love. She does this despite the severe disapproval of her own mother. While she has embarked on a journey of liberation, another woman is now the wife and slave, in her place. And so it goes on. 

Why do women not put their foot down in the first instance instead of waiting for the dam to burst? Why do even highly educated women tolerate so much before throwing in the towel? Why do others tag along with the men despite suffering themselves?
Hats off to the director for bringing out the contradictions in our traditions and the lopsided male-female roles in a family. 

01 March 2024

Writer's retreat at Dorian House

I recently returned from a truly memorable retreat at the picturesque Dorian House in the heart of Auroville!! 

The hiatus provided a rejuvenating break from my relentless routine and urban luxuries. Walking to and fro between various bungalows, lounging on the floor for hours during class, interacting with an eclectic bunch hailing from diverse geographies, vocational backgrounds as well as writing expertise, was a novel experience indeed. After the recent career pivot from a corporate employee to an author, I was yanked out of my comfort zone yet again!

The bungalows were idyllic, verdant and pleasingly aesthetic. The vibrant colors, tasteful decor and thoughtful use of natural light, provided a soothing yet stimulating ambience.

The morning walk through the Revelation forest, breathtaking views and spontaneous meditation in the middle of the woods, was enchanting and exhilarating!

he various sessions were enlightening and the classroom assignments were eye-opening. What bowled me over was that I was finally among people who did not hold back from expressing themselves, were unapologetically authentic, while coping valiantly through the barriers of language, food and creepy crawlies. The environment supplied nourishing fodder to write and explore genres I have hitherto found daunting. 

The musical and “reading” night unveiled the talent of all artists. Each of us had a signature style. While an author astounded with his musical prowess, a musician read out some of his writing! The party introduced bohemian newcomers who regaled us with majestic performances.

The full moon and sunset were exquisite and provoked poetry. 
Somehow, they seemed more magical than usual in this place. 

The various plants, flora, dogs and peacocks added to the atmosphere. 

Since childhood, I have been happiest amidst nature and books. And this place provided both! The flaky power supply and intermittent connectivity did little to dim our morale. We found respite in the cosy cafes, quaint bookstores and street-side shopping.

The camaraderie, leg-pulling and poking fun at each others’ foibles, ensured that I never became homesick. This bonding among virtual strangers was unbelievable in such a short time, that too across multiple age groups.

When I returned home, my family immediately noticed the calm in me. My passion for writing glowed even brighter after all that external and internal stimuli.

01 January 2024

Some Hindi movie reviews

1) 12th fail

Theme : Biopic

Director : Vidhu Vinod Chopra

The plot is based on the real-life story of IPS officer, Mohan Kumar Sharma, a best-selling book written by Ashok Pathak. It is a simple story of a 12th fail student, who through sheer grunt work and perseverance against many odds, manages to crack the UPSC examination to become an IPS officer.

Vikrant Massey has literally gotten into the skin of the protagonist by looking appropriately sleep-deprived and malnourished for this role. His look of the character is balanced by his outstanding performance to bring alive Mohan Kumar Sharma's noteworthy achievement on screen. Inspite of hailing from a village in Chambal (MP), where schools push students to cheat in order to clear 12th grade; he takes inspiration from a local cop, decides to study with integrity, and become a police officer like him. The righteous path is never easy, and indeed in his case, you really feel the burden of his failures weighing him down yet never completely breaking his spirit. The theme of "restart" is very much required to keep up the volatile spirits of today's youth, and relevant even for adults.

He could not have done it without the sacrifice of his grandmother, the values instilled by his father and the unstinting support of some friends, well-wishers as well as his lady-love. Ably supported by Medha Shankar, Anant Joshi, Sarita Joshi, Priyanshu Chatterjee and Harish Khanna, the director has woven a truly impactful story which will be an inspiration for the current mall-hopping generation.

2) Dunki

Theme : Illegal immigration

Director : Rajkumar Hirani

Rajkumar Hirani is that magician who has taken up extremely diverse yet relevant topics and made blockblusters out of them through comic screenplays. It is very apparent that he goes to a lot of depth to flesh out his characters and wields the baton such that they become unforgettable.

I have to say that the movie plot was refreshingly original even for a movie-buff such as myself. The topic is quite serious but it has been handled so deftly by the director, that though its light-hearted to watch for the most part, it leaves a massive after-thought and provokes debate regarding the ethics of illegal entry into any country. This emotional roller-coaster, backed by SRK's charisma, a tight screenplay, as well as flawless rendition of the unforgettable characters by the cast, packs a solid punch at the very end of 2023.

Set in the backdrop of Punjab, the characters are all Punjabi and speak the dialect fluently. Taapsee Pannu is extremely credible as a go-getter, wanna-be wrestler, Punjabi kudi. Vicky Kaushal's cameo is nothing short of mind-blowing, while Boman Irani, Vikram Kocchar, Anil Grover all give superb performances as the supporting cast. But the outstanding performance is by King Khan himself, who did not just ride on his phenomenal star presence, but made Hardy Singh an extremely relatable and loveable protagonist. Though the love story angle of the movie is far from satisfactory, it brings out the stark contrast in the priorities of the lead couple when faced with a life-changing decision.

It took courage to make a movie on this topic for the masses instead of sticking with a documentary and I heartily applaud the effort as well as the end-product!

3) Kathal

Theme : Social satire on politics, police

Director : Yashowardhan Mishra

This is an underrated, under-marketed movie that did not get its due credit.

Kathal - a jackfruit mystery, is a heavy topic handled light-heartedly by the director and enacted very well by the cast : Sanya Malhotra, Anand Joshi, Rajpal Yadav, Vijay Raaz & Neha Saraf. It starts off as a case of two missing jackfruits from the tree of the local MLA, who pulls rank with the police to give it undue priority over other more relevant cases. Sanya is the officer in charge of investigating the missing fruits and given a carte-blanche as well as award money for finding the thief and returning the fruit before it turns ripe. Ironically, by following a text-book investigation of the same, she ends up bringing to the fore, and cracking, a much more serious crime, with the help of a well-meaning journalist and her trusted aides.

How thrilling can the chase for 2 missing jackfruits be? Well, the movie not only manages to make it interesting, but handles the topic of caste divide, romance across ranks, women's liberation as well as fighting the "right battles", alongwith the who-dun-it thread too! Sanya Malhotra turns in a performance with undeniable versatility and confidence.

4) Dasvi

Theme : Importance of education

Director : Tushar Jalota

This Abhishek Bachchan, Nimrat Kaur & Yami Gautam starrer was a surprise package.

What starts off as the story of a typical illiterate yet powerful politician, quickly transforms into his spiritual ascension through education - giving his matriculation exam while in jail. The reverse transformation of this wife, Nimrat, is also equally thought-provoking. All 3 have done great justice to their roles - definitely one of the best of Abhishek's career, and they got the dialects bang on too. The challenges faced by the protagonist to learn the various subjects, especially his nemesis : Maths and Hindi, totally resonated with our teenage daughter too.

While it spans across politics, importance of education and what one can accomplish if one is committed to the goal - it is basically a human story that needs to be watched by all.

5) Atrangi re

Theme : Mental health

Director : Aanand L Rai

So much has been shown about love over the years. Indeed there is so much literature about it, that there can be hardly be any aspect of love that is novel. Yet 'Atrangi re' manages to pull this off.

With superb performances by Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan, and a contemporary theme about mental health, this one was a pleasant surprise! It definitely exceeded my expectations as far as storyline and acting are concerned. Akshay Kumar, in his cameo, lends steady support.

The various layers of the traumatized mind are unraveled gradually as we head toward the climax; the sensitive handling of the subject is a credit to the director. Definitely one of the memorable performances by Sara Ali Khan; Dhanush excels as usual. The other characters are sketched extremely well and each has their own footage and significance, even if only in a supporting role.

Apr 2024 - a month of adjustment

As I complete four months of my break from work life, I reflect on how the month of Apr 2024 has been for me.  Globally, there were quite a ...